
Agape Aid presents information. This information is for newsworthy, educational and informational purposes only.

The intention on this site is not to offend. We publish articles on this site in the spirit of free speech. We do not condone hatred, racism, or disrespect for other faiths.

Since there are different opinions on all matters under the sun, it is important to be aware of the difference between opinions on various issues of our lives, and the values of these opinions. Some opinions have value based on vast experience and knowledge, some are based on feelings and others on ignorance.

If anyone is offended by anything written on this site, please think, “What is the attitude of my heart?”

Muslims were offended and demonstrated worldwide over cartoons published by a group of provocative, Danish atheists.

Why should such cartoons offend one?

Is it reasonable to expect a fundamentalist atheist to understand faith? After all it is precisely because of their inability to understand faith that they are atheists.

There is always the risk that someone, somewhere, may be offended by comments or articles published on this site. We apologize in advance, as the comments, or article would not have been intended in that way.

Some people love Donald Trump, others think he is a nasty malignant narcissist. Some people think the Telly Tubbies are a cute TV show for children, while others think they are a conspiracy by leftist liberals to corrupt little children.

As the great Jewish sage, Moses Maimonides (1135 – 1204) wrote in Medical Aphorisms:

“If anybody tells you in order to support his opinion that he is in possession of proof and evidence and that he saw the thing with his own eyes, you have to doubt him, even if he is an authority accepted by great men, even if he is himself honest and virtuous. Inquire well into what he wants to prove to you. Do not allow your senses to be confused by his research and innovations. Think well, search, examine, and try to understand the ways of nature which he claims to know. Do not allow yourself to be influenced by the sayings that something is obvious, whether a single man is saying so or whether it is a common opinion, for the desire of power leads men to shameful things, particularly in the case of divided opinions.”

Moses Maimonides (1135 – 1204)


The comments and opinions of our correspondents are their own. We publish these comments in the spirit of free speech.

We do not condone hatred, racism, or disrespect for other faiths.

There is always the risk that someone, somewhere, may be offended by comments or articles published on this site. We apologize in advance, as the comments, or article would not have been intended in that way.

Some thoughts on the subject:

The popular evolutionist, Stephen Jay Gould (1941 – 2002), wrote, “The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best, and therefore never scrutinize or question.”

The Scottish judge and literary critic, Francis Jeffrey (1773 – 1850), wrote, “Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest of violence.”

The philosopher, Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970), wrote, “In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”

John Milton (1608 – 1674) wrote, “Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinions in good men is but knowledge in the making.”

Or, as so eloquently stated by George Bush, “I have opinions of my own – strong opinions – but I don’t always agree with them.”

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